Oh beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain, for purple mountains majesties Above the fruited plain.
AMERICA....AMERICA....God shed his grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea.
Daddy finally got in a picture.
Love this Face!
Just us girls watchin' the fireworks outside of Stadium of fire.
I love Aubrey's face in this! She thought it was pretty cool.
Brooklyn didn't quite know what to think about having fire that close to her. It was really funny.
She is definitly my more cautious child:)
I love checking your blog every once in a while. Your little ladies are beautiful. I'm so glad your family is healthy and happy!
Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! I love my nieces, they are the CUTEST!
I can't believe how big Aubrey is getting! She's just as adorable as ever! I keep forgetting how time passes and kids grow even though my own do the same thing...Wow!
Your kids did a lot better with the sparklers than mine would! Linc and Owen would have nothing to do with them. Oh and I like the Destin pics too. :)
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