Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I know that there is laundry I need to fold and dishes I need to wash, But I decided to blog pictures of my family instead. Way more fun!!!


britney said...

how did you dislocate her elbow? that is so sad. ya my life sucks right now. his ear infections are from his allergie to dairy and it all makes sence because it started when i put him on whole milk and they never went away.so then i put tubes in his ears for 700 freaken bucks and i could have just taken him off dairy. isnt that great!!!

The Tophams said...

Hey Nicole!
How are ya? I love the blogging thing. You can amazingly find people, pretty much anyone, that you haven't seen forever! Your girls are soooo cute! Hope things are going well for you! Love the pics!

Kathie said...

Nicole, I want another girls day really bad. That was so much fun. Thank you for setting it up. The website I was telling you about is blurb.com. The prices are really reasonable. I hope you like it. -Kathie